Amaryllis is the holidays’ most photo-worthy flower, and it’s easy to grow, bulb to bloom.

1) Choose a large, firm bulb with roots. Soak the bulb base and roots in warm water a few hours before planting. Fill a pot halfway with loam soil. Position the bulb in the pot and carefully spread its roots. Add more soil, leaving the top one-third to one-half of the bulb exposed. Water thoroughly.
2) Place the potted bulb in a cool location and water sparingly (once a week) until the stem appears. Then as the leaves and bud appear, gradually increase watering. Decorate soil surface with moss and small ornaments.

3) As the stem and bud grow, place the potted bulb in a bright, warm window and increase watering.
4) Cut spent flowers from the stem. With larger bulbs, expect secondary stems and buds to appear.

Top Tip: For a no-fuss alternative, purchase a pre-planted flowering amaryllis and let the spectacle begin.
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