January launches a busy period for small businesses, as owners like me pause to assemble records in anticipation of filing reports. When a business is a service industry, time spent like this on paperwork and reporting is time spent away from billable work with clients. This creates a need for business support—someone trustworthy to take care of things you have to do to stay in business. It allows businesses to focus on what they do well and has spawned a new industry of financial support service businesses, like Global Payments.
Photos by Scot Zimmerman

Steadily growing, Global Payments just moved into a new office building built by Okland Construction with architecture by AE URBIA (Keith Hansen, Lead Architect). Interiors were designed in-house. The location is just off the freeway in Lehi in an area that just two years ago was fields and country roads where the Lehi locals took their teens out to learn to drive.

This new office follows the same trend as others I have recently photographed—employee convenience, comfortable, pleasing amenities, and a cheerful and pleasant office environment. This building has plenty of parking for round-the-clock shifts, including an adjacent parking garage.

The atrium-like entrance extends two floors in height. The flanking offices are walled with glass to create connections and a sense of openness both structurally and culturally.

I liked the vertical LED lights in the elevator bank that suggest the up and down movement of the elevators.

The workspaces are large cubicles topped with opaque material to ensure that the lighting is even throughout.

This conference room is on the second level. The far glass wall overlooks the open, atrium-like entrance below. Glass walls also look to the hallway and a reception area with the same openness that suggests the company culture.

This conference room serves as a place to spread out and work collaboratively on projects. Some visual screening for the clutter is provided by the signage.
Explore more modern office spaces in Utah here.