
Heather Griffiths, Local Flowers, Wasatch Blooms
“I grow flowers for special moments and to make moments special,” says Heather Griffiths, whose love for local agriculture and growing communities inspired her to create the Utah Cut Flower Farm Association. The organization promotes local and sustainable flower growers as well as Utah’s slow flower movement. Whether you’re...
Gardening season has arrived, so stock up on th goods and gadgets you'll need to dig in. These are our 2020 favorites. 1. Utah Seed Postcards $2.75 each, Natural History Museum of Utah, SLC 2. Bamboo Garden Gloves $8, Western Garden Centers, SLC 3. Watering Can $30, Cactus & Tropicals, SLC...
Gardening season has arrived, so stock up on the goods and gadgets you'll need and get ready to dig in! For April, it's time to prep your yard for planting: Prune overgrown shrubs, cutting out no more than one-third of the oldest canes from the base of the plant....
Aspiring first timers or fully-certified master gardeners, we're not urban agriculture snobs here. Let's list some quick-n-dirty vegetable and herb varieties that you can get into the ground (or a patio garden box) before the season is completely over. Radishes, love em or hate em, included in a recent SL mag...
For the love of a homegrown tomato, really, nothing should ever stop you from growing at least one plant yourself. Unlike many things you can fail at, organic gardening, is worth the attempt, simply because the victory of the tasting is so very sweet. Jen Hill at Salt Lake...
Bury summer-blooming bulbs now for fabulous flowers and foliage throughout the season. Raise your hand if you don’t like robust, colorful summer gardens. Anyone? We didn’t think so. And burying summer-flowering bulbs (as well as tubers and corms) is one of the easiest ways to get them started. Top picks...
Want your cut flowers to last longer? Photos by Jadie Jo Photography Shiann Chambers, owner and chief florist at Salt Lake City's iconic Wilde Honey blooms truck, offers six super tips for at-home petal lovers, to keep your flowers fresh as long as possible.  1. Give your stems a haircut...
The decorating world’s passion for patterns has spread to houseplants, with colorfully variegated and veined plants upstaging their plain-leafed cousins.  “There’s definitely a growing interest in houseplants, and lately, more and more people are looking for varieties with interesting leaves that have contrasting colors and patterns,” says Cory Cumming, plant...
Fresh herbs are a summertime staple. Plant them in containers to keep them close at hand. When you’re playing chef and mixologist this summer, it’s your job to have fresh herbs ready for the picking. Nothing makes that easier than pots. Why wander far into the yard to harvest herbs...
Whether you enjoy an urban patio, have a small yard or just love putting your posies in pots, container gardening offers an attractive and space-saving solution for growing your favorite blooms and produce. There are many types of garden containers, and selecting the right one can be tricky. But the right...