Evoking visions of nests nestled in snowy branches, songbirds flocking on frosty mornings and the comforting nature of winter’s embrace, a gathering of diverse avian-inspired fabrics and wallcoverings celebrates the textures, palette and artistry of the season.
Avian-Inspired Fabrics and Weaves

(TOP LEFT) Voyage in Honey from Christopher Farr Cloth, christopherfarrcloth.com; Les Hautes Cimes in Greige from Misia, misia-paris.com; Sunflower Caffoy Velvet in Sussex Rush, Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com (BOTTOM RIGHT) Hors Du Temps and Timbourg, both in Carbone and from Misia, misia-paris.com; Omeyas in Onyx by Castel, castelmaison.com
Nature’s Thread

Pictured above: Jolie Josephine in Carbone from Misia, misia-paris.com

(LEFT) Prima Alpaca Plaid in Espresso/Camel from Sandra Jordan, sandrajordan.com; (RIGHT) Pancho from Designs of the Time, designsofthetime.be; James in Feuille from Castel, castelmaison.com; Nepal in Vert Sapin from Casamance, casamance.com; Sunflower Caffoy Velvet in Tump, Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com; Collado from Designs of the Time, designsofthetime.be
Plumage Palette

(ABOVE) Bluebell Embroidery in Webbs Blue from Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com; Niki in Orange Brûlée from Misia, misia-paris.com; Sunflower Velvet in Saffron/Velium, Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

(TOP RIGHT) Nere and Baobab, both in Ebony and from Les Creations de la Maison, castelmaison.com; Arapaho wallcovering in Jasper from Casamance, casamance.com (BOTTOM LEFT) Illusion in Noir/Atlas from Casamance, casamance.com; Un Air De Valse in Blue Paon from Misia, misia-paris.com; Scorched wallcovering in Charred Silver from Phillip Jeffries, phillipjeffries.com
All fabrics available to the trade through John Brooks, SLC, johnbrooksinc.com